Girls’ Dress; 7 Ties; Leather Trousers; Leopard Dress and Sequinned Skirt, 1997

The projects explore the socio-historical layers of meaning embedded in clothes of any kind.

For a three-year period I worked with clothes as an artistic medium. The project consisted in exploring and questioning the socio-historical layers of meaning embedded in clothes of any kind. Prints and patterns are one of the elements I explore and question: does the pattern on an animal-print dress transfer some of the leopard’s properties to the woman wearing the dress? Does a transfer take place from the ox to the man wearing the trousers? A second element focuses on challenging the inherent codes of clothes. For example, a floral Girls’ Dress was, with the aid of the spectators, transformed into a stringent funnel-like shape, while 7 Ties became seven dancing snakes – also with the aid of spectators. Finally, the Marilyn Monroe pattern on the Sequinned Skirt was stretched beyond all recognition when a balloon was used to inflate it from a ‘one size’ to a size XXXL. As a result of these projects, I have become even more confused about my own choices of garment.

Medium: Modified clothes, fishing line, hooks, foam rubber, balloon, air pump.