ALL Shadows Shines
Proposal for art for the Niels Bohr Building, Coffee-spot BA2, 2nd floor of Tower H, University of Copenhagen, North Campus, Jagtvej 155, Copenhagen.
ALL Shadow Shines consists of a relief in the form of an aluminium grid with various aluminium shapes welded on. A polished surface reflects the sunlight, sending beams of light into the “Coffee-spot”. Twice a year, these beams of light will come together to form the text: SER ALT VED ALT (Sees All, Knows All) – a reference to Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tale The Shadow and the passage in which The Shadow returns to the student, saying “I have seen all and I know all”. Here, the quote is interpreted as The Shadow’s arrogant approach to life as a human being.
Partners: Peter Møller-Nielsen Emeritus, can.scient; Iben Holm, can. Arch; Uhe Smedie, Nieland A/S, Nordsjællands Metalstøberi.
Medium: Aluminium. Aluminium is an element and has the atomic number 13. It is one of the most widely used metals in the world.
Dimensions: 13 x 4 x 0.15 metres.
Photos by Niels Petersen
Timelapse by Timothy-Benjamin Grossman